Say Hello to SchebTwoFactorBundle

I’ve recently done some posts about how to integrate two-factor authentication and Google Authenticator into Symfony2. I thought to myself “Why not make a bundle from it?” and that’s what i did: Say hello to SchebTwoFactorBundle. Now it’s dead simple to add two-factor authentication to your own website. Add the bundle via Composer and enable the authentication method you want.

Currently it supports both the email and the Google Authenticator method I’ve blogged about. It already has some features for customization, but I’m thinking about making it more flexible. Maybe some generic two-factor implementation, which allows you to plug in different kinds of two-factor modules.


Google Authenticator in Symfony

If you want to add two-factor (2fa) authentication with Google Authenticator to your project, please use the scheb/2fa bundle for Symfony.
The approach in this blog post is no longer valid and potentially harmful to your application’s security. So don’t do it. Use the bundle instead.

This is the follow up to previous post about two-factor authentication in Symfony2. As promised I also want to show you how to integrate Google Authenticator into your project. If you haven’t read my first post, I’d suggest doing it now, because it explains the principle more in detail. The following example code is widely identical to SonataUserBundle‘s integration.

To get started, you’ll have to install the Sonata Google Authenticator package. If you’re using composer (I guess so), you can simply execute:

php composer.phar require sonata-project/google-authenticator dev-master

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Two-Factor Authentication (2fa) in Symfony

If you want to add two-factor (2fa) authentication to your project, please use the scheb/2fa bundle for Symfony.
The approach in this blog post is no longer valid and potentially harmful to your application’s security. So don’t do it. Use the bundle instead.

For a project of mine I wanted to have some extra security because it contains critical features, only authorized people should have access to in any case. So I did some research if it’s possible to implement two-factor authentication in Symfony2. Sadly I didn’t find any good how-tos about that topic. Then I’ve found out that SonataUserBundle has Google Authenticator as an optional feature, so I did some reverse enginering to figure out how they did it.

This is how you implement two-factor authentication into Symfony2’s security layer. The following example will send out a random code to the user’s email address. I will do another post for Google Authenticator soon.

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